Monday, September 26, 2011

Sunday School Jesus Style

The first Sunday School was started a little over 200 years ago—so I am fully aware that Jesus did not have a Sunday School class in the same way we talk about it today. Yet Jesus clearly did have a small group ministry with the 12 disciples. His ministry to His “class” of disciples was an intentional strategy and priority of His ministry on earth. I have been studying a little about Jesus’ work with His small group and I have discovered some principles that still apply today.

Prayer is a key strategy for reaching new people. Before Jesus enlisted His disciples, He spent much time in prayer. Each teacher would do well to have a prayer list of prospects for his or her class. Prayer for prospects focuses us on who we are trying to reach and provides insight on how to reach them. Are you and the members of your class praying for the people they are hoping to reach?

Personally seek out the people you want to reach. Jesus did not wait for someone else to enlist people for Him. He did not expect people to simply find their way to Him or drop by because they were in the area—He went after His disciples! Many Sunday School classes have no strategy or plan for reaching new people. All growth requires effort and work. We cannot expect new people to attend if we are not working a plan for reaching them. Are you and the members of your class inviting people to attend your Sunday School class?

Jesus also accepted the personal responsibility for the spiritual growth of the people in His group. I know that people have to want to grow to make any real progress, but there must also be someone willing to lead and teach them. A good teacher assumes that the enrollees are ready and willing. She sees the potential of each individual and designs the lessons with the needs of the pupils in mind. Are you seeing personal growth in the lives of the people in your class?

Jesus equipped His disciples to serve. He didn’t just fill their heads with facts and Bible knowledge and send them home with notebooks full of information. No, He demonstrated compassionate ministry and then sent His disciples out to do the same. The success of a Sunday School class is not measured in attendance alone. Instead of asking, “How many have come,” we should also ask, “How many have been sent out?” Are you and the members of your class involved in ministry projects and outreach?

Jesus released leaders out of His group to start new groups, new churches, and new ministries. If Jesus was not willing to release His 12 disciples, the church may not even exist today. New Sunday School classes are almost always started by a few committed leaders who have been learning from a faithful teacher who was unselfish enough to release them with his blessing and encouragement. It is a blessing to extend the level of your influence by releasing the people you have discipled to serve in other places.

Can you imagine a father who says that he loves his children so much that he never wants to see them marry and start families of their own? That is unhealthy and unnatural. Growing things reproduce themselves. Growing Sunday School classes do the same. Are you and the members of your class releasing people to teach and start other classes?

Jesus is the ultimate Sunday School expert. The leadership He provided for His small group of disciples is a challenge to us all. Leading a class “Jesus Style” produces amazing results!

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